The footsteps halt as you open the door. Inside stands a tall, thin figure, draped in burlap. It's slightly hunched over and unmoving, face obscured in the recesses of its cloak.

"Get out! Get out!" it hisses. "Intruder! Unwelcome guest that smells of dirt and mud, you contaminate my home - GET OUT!" It lurches forward, fingernails grazing the edge of the door -

A chain yanks on its neck.

It takes a few steps back, rubbing at the iron clasp. "No. Mustn't get carried away, it's bad for our health. You." It addresses you with all the malice it can muster, the void of its mask levelling with your face. The shadows writhe. "What is it that you want?"

Who are you?

The chain?

Where am I?

The art on the wall...


"I'm told I'm a necesarry evil. The Innkeeper disagrees."

"For our own good. I'm bad company in the tavern and would prefer to be away from obnoxious patrons anyway."

"The attic of Moonrest Tavern. My room."

"The Innkeeper's work, though only the recent ones. We keep the rest in storage. Too much of a hassle to put them up."
